HData Compliance Solution FAQs 

HData provides simple, intuitive reporting solutions, optimized for the way you work. HData Compliance makes it easy to verify accuracy and submit quarterly and annual FERC reports. 

The following provides a consolidated list of frequently asked questions about the features and capabilities of HData Compliance. For help with any additional questions, please reach out to us at: support@hdata.us.

Overview of HData Compliance

HData Compliance automates submission of quarterly and annual FERC filings. By automatically converting your staged values in the Excel Upload Template to the required XBRL format via import, you can benefit from fast, accurate filing—without the hassle of manual data entry or the need for specialized XBRL coding expertise. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which type of FERC Forms can I submit in HData?
A: You can submit any of the following FERC Forms: Form 1, Form 1/3-Q, Form 2, Form 2/3-Q, Form 6; Form 6-Q, Form 60, and Form 714. 

Q: I’m ready to start my FERC filing. Where can I get the last version to use as a starting point?
A: The first step is to obtain your prior years’ filings.  Do this by visiting the FERC eForms Library Submission History

Locate your filing and select it to view Submission Details. 
Locate and download the XBRL File. 

Lastly, you will need to upload the XBRL File into HData by going to the Editor within the Compliance Product. 

Select the icon image2 in the upper right corner. This will allow you to browse to your downloaded XBRL file to upload into the system.

Q: Where can I confirm that the current XBRL taxonomy adopted by the FERC is available to use in the HData Compliance application? 
A: Start by confirming the most recent taxonomy by visiting FERC eForms Library Taxonomy History. This site will show you the exact Taxonomy that the FERC has adopted to use for your particular form. 

Next, go into the HData Compliance tool. 

Choose “Editor” from the Compliance Product right-panel menu. 

In the upper right-hand corner, click the “Create New Document” button. This will reveal a list of available taxonomy types. From here, you can confirm we have the latest taxonomy available by comparing HData and the FERC eForms Library. 

Q: Can I file for more than one CID in HData Compliance? 
A: Yes. When sending a test or live-filing, you can choose which CID to submit.

Q: What kinds of changes can I make to the downloaded XBRL Excel Form from Compliance?
A: The Excel form is a spreadsheet-based representation of the XBRL taxonomy, to which only very specific modifications can be made. 

As a general rule, you should familiarize yourself with whether or not the schedules you prepare allow for the number of facts reported to grow or shrink (i.e. FERC Form 1, Schedule 322 - Transmission of Electricity by Others). 

For further information please contact support@hdata.us

Q: I am a reviewer of my company's filing. Why can’t I make any changes to the form I am reviewing? 
A: Those with “Reviewer” permissions can only view and add comments to a filing. To make changes to a form you’ll need “Can Write” permissions. Only the user designated as the owner of the filing can update permissions. 

Q: How do I know who the document owner is?
A: Select “Share” from the Document dropdown menu. This will open a list of users who have access to the file. For each, you can see the level of permission granted. 

Additional Questions? Let Us Know

Hopefully this article gave you all the information you needed to be successful with HData Compliance. If you still need help, please reach out to us at support@hdata.us.