HData Business Intelligence

Energy Industry Scorecards

Extract meaningful comparisons from energy regulatory information instantly, flexibly, and shareably.

Visual Analysis Tool Social

Do you like hours of manual data wrangling? Neither do we.

Need to track the finances, production, or operations of any regulated energy company, or the whole industry, instantly and automatically? The HData team will create a customized report for you, free.

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The HData Platform grants you instant FERC report access

Connection to every number, from every schedule, from every annual and quarterly FERC financial report filed by regulated electric utilities, gas companies, and oil pipelines.
  • Use the HData’s Visual Analysis tool to build, save, and share scorecards that track the information you need
  • Comparing any energy company to any peer group or the whole industry, on any metric
  • Use the HData’s Text Analysis tool to create text searches, narrowed by filer, FERC form, and schedule
  • The text searches can be automatically re-run whenever new forms are filed


Try some of our regulatory data reports