Sign Up for Free Access to HData’s Regulatory Data Analysis Platform

Let HData show you how to file, explore, analyze and leverage your regulatory data.

Your Free HData account includes access to two of our most used solutions: 

FERC Reports Library

Your free HData account includes access to all data from every annual and quarterly FERC report, from 2011 to the present and in real-time going forward, for instant analytics.

Quickly and easily search, compare, and retrieve FERC reports without having to deal with complex searches.


O&M Insights Apps

These turnkey apps give you the operations and maintenance costs of all FERC-regulated electric utilities, midstream oil pipelines, and gas utilities and pipelines.

With an easy to navigate interface, the O&M apps deliver high-level analysis with industry-standard KPIs, plus the ability to dive into the granular data and visually compare line items among different companies.

Finally, managing energy regulatory data is as easy as it should be. 

Analysts shouldn’t be hunting for data, copy-pasting, or fussing with formulas in Excel. They should be engaging with clean, primed data that powers strategic decisions and strong return on investment. HData automates and simplifies regulatory data management, freeing up the team to focus on higher-value work.

Access ALL the data, easily.

HData makes it fast (and easy) to instantly leverage already-cleansed data on over 3,000 energy companies with millions of data points across hundreds of key indicators. 

Retain your most important asset: your team.

Everyone is “tightening the belt.” HData is a high-value, cost-effective way to uplevel your team’s analytics capabilities,  empowering everyone to do the highest-value work they can by automating the grunt work. It’s like adding a digital assistant who’s always on the clock.